architectural design » media reports
The Houtong Cat House in New Taipei is expected to be completed by the end of March and hopes to showcase the splendor of the gold mining coal mine.
New landmark cat house in Houtong welcomes new arrivals
Find a home for every cat, Taiwan’s first “Cat Sanctuary” unveiled
Cat Sanctuary unveils new opening to find a home for every cat
Houtong Cat Center unveils welcomes everyone to adopt cats
Create a new highlight of Houtong Cat Village and Ruifang Cat Sanctuary will be completed at the end of March to take care of the health of cats
Houtong Cat Center unveils welcomes everyone to adopt cats
Houtong Cat Publication Adoption Inn unveiled
Cat Sanctuary unveils new opening to find a home for every cat
New Taipei City Houtong Cat Sanctuary was officially unveiled and everyone is welcome to adopt cats.
Won the 2023 Sydney Design Award, New York Design Award, Red Dot Design Award,
german design awardand 5 major international awards including the Asian Design Award
Beautiful relationship-book seat design
Chen Bingxin x Chen Wenqian // Beautiful Relationship Book Seat Design
Beautiful Relationship-Shidong Market Renovation Plan-Sanli News
[Shidong Market turns around and becomes more literary] China Television News Magazine