
Complete guide to rebuilding old houses|Understand 3 types of old house reconstruction methods and reconstruction steps at once


In order to protect people's living safety and quality of life, the government provides various incentives for the reconstruction of old houses, including urban renewal, regulations for the elderly, etc., which are common subsidy methods. But when faced with the need to renovate old houses, how should you choose and apply? Homeowners who are facing a decision should quickly follow the steps of this article to learn about 3 methods of renovating old houses and 5 steps for rebuilding old houses to create an ideal living environment.


What is old house reconstruction? Know 3 ways to renovate old houses

When mid-century house owners face the need to renovate their old houses, they often encounter the options of "reconstruction of dilapidated old houses", "urban renewal" and "renovation of old houses". The following will introduce the differences between the three to help you find a suitable old house renovation. method.


1. Reconstruction of the elderly in danger: must comply with regulations on the elderly in danger

Dangerous old house reconstruction is a method of rebuilding old houses formulated in order to speed up the reconstruction of dangerous and old buildings. As long as the house meetsOrdinance on Accelerated Redevelopment of Dangerous and Old Urban Buildings (Dangerous and Old Buildings Ordinance), and acquire 100% of the land andbuildingIf the owner agrees, he or she can apply for reconstruction and enjoy benefits such as volume bonuses and tax exemptions.

(To learn more about the regulations on endangering the elderly, please refer to:How much do you know about the Ordinance on Endangering the Elderly? Understand in 5 minutes the conditions, benefits and application methods for rebuilding the elderly at risk)


2. Urban renewal: making buildings conform to urban life functions

The main purpose of urban renewal is: "to build buildings that are more functional and safe for urban life." Compared with the reconstruction of dilapidated old people,base volumeIt is 1.3 times. The basic volume of urban renewal can reach 1.5 times. However, the application procedure is complicated. You must go through public hearings, hearings and review committees before you can apply for a building license. In addition to disaster-damaged houses such as sea sand houses and radiation houses, In addition, the area must exceed 500 square meters to apply for renewal.


3. Renovation of old houses: redecorate by yourself

Renovation of an old house usually refers to the owner redecorating the old house by himself. Common situations include changes in family members, changes in living needs, updating of decoration styles, etc. Basically, the building structure will not be changed, so the construction time is relatively short.


Comparing the above three methods, the reconstruction of dangerous old houses is a method with relatively loose application conditions and an easier way to obtain incentives for the reconstruction of old houses. But how to obtain the "dangerous house determination"? Next, we will introduce you to 5 steps for rebuilding old houses and give you an in-depth understanding of the application methods for rebuilding dilapidated old houses.


Steps to rebuild an old house|5 steps to get rewards for rebuilding an old house


Old house reconstruction step 1: Submit an application

The "Urban Dangerous and Old Buildings Accelerated Reconstruction Ordinance" is accepted by each county and city government. Applications should be made to the local government business window based on the location of the building, and a visa application form for the Dangerous Elderly Ordinance provided by the practicing architect based on the earthquake resistance assessment. .


Step 2 of rebuilding an old house: Obtain the consent of the building owner

Provide one of the following 2 supporting documents:

  • Consent and Letter of Authorization: Obtain the consent and letter of authorization from more than half of the owners of the building.
  • Proof of adoption of meeting resolutions: Convene a meeting and provide meeting minutes showing the adoption of resolutions by the owners.


Step 3 of rebuilding an old house: Review of the qualifications for the elderly in danger

The responsible unit will conduct a review of the dangerous elderly regulations, including building qualification confirmation and structural assessment, to confirm whether the building meets the conditions.


Step 4 of rebuilding an old house: Obtaining consent for rebuilding

After obtaining the consent of all owners of the land and buildings, we will begin to draw up a reconstruction plan and apply for reconstruction.


Step 5 of rebuilding an old house: Apply for a license and start construction

Construction can begin after applying for a construction license and demolition license, and apply for a use license after the reconstruction is completed. After obtaining the use license, you will begin to enjoy a 50% reduction in land price tax and housing tax.



Recommended Reconstruction of Old Houses | B-Studio gives old houses a new lease of life

B-StudioWith a professional architecture and design team, in addition to assisting in the identification of dangerous old buildings, we can also provide architectural, interior design and space design services to give old houses a new life. Any needs are welcome at any timecontact us, let B-Studio help you obtain old house reconstruction incentives while enjoying a high-quality home life.


Further reading:

How to pay for decoration costs? Accurately allocate funds to create an ideal home with limited resources

How much do you know about the Ordinance on Endangering the Elderly? Understand in 5 minutes the conditions, benefits and application methods for rebuilding the elderly at risk